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Bucking the Trend (w/ Story!) - by dizfoley

TAGS: horse   transformation   story   artificial   mare   vagina   semen   collection Something was wrong. Diz couldn't quite remember how he'd come to be here... wherever here was. He had vague flashes of being outside, walking down a country lane. He remembered passing a farmyard. Seeing a brick-built cottage and several wooden outbuildings, surrounded by fields full of sheep and a few horses. Had he turned away from his normal stroll along the road? Had he actually stepped onto the dirt track which led to the farm, and begun to proceed towards it? If so, was that where he was now. This wasn't his home, after all. This... this building. These devices. The object to which he was bound. The human male's pale cheeks flushed red, a shocking surge of colour against his light skin and dark hair. He grunted, and felt his hips jerk. Instinctively his fingers clenched, and his hands jerked upward. They couldn't move though. Like his ankles, his wrists were bound t

Making the pack submit by Twilight_Chaos

TAGS: Tentacle rape (anal, oral, vaginal), Tentacle sounding, Mild inflation (belly, balls, womb), Primarily males being raped, but as I alluded to above, a female too, Oviposition (male and female), Semi-public humiliation, Domination, Submission, Male/male kissing, Frottage, balls touching, Bukkake courtesy of tentacles, Snowballing, Wolf   tentacle   tentacles   rape   sounding   cum   inflation   male   female   oviposition   humiliation   domination   submission   kissing   frot   frottage   frotting   balls   touching   rubbing   docking   bukakke   snowballing   gay   sex   kissing   dick   dicks   vagina   pussy   breasts   yiff 

e621 2015 anal anal_penetration anthro anus backsack balls butt egg egg_insertion egg_laying_tentacles erection evillabrat eyewear faxy forced fur glasses group hair hi_res interspecies male male/male mammal nude open_mouth oviposition penetration penis rape sex spread_legs spreading tentacles tongue white_fur

Ra`khu kissed his wife lovingly on the snout as he woke up that morning.  She stirred a bit, smiling a bit in her half-asleep state.  She seemed to mutter something then tried to kiss back, yawning a bit and giggling as she slipped back into her peaceful slumber.  Ra`khu couldn't help but chuckle a bit at it; while he simply adored his wife she was certainly not a morning person.

He carefully slipped out of the bed so as not to disturb her, stretching out as he took his first few steps out of bed.  The wolf's muscles rippled under his thick fur as he flexed his arms and legs, feeling the blood rushing as his body stirred up for the new day.  After he was done stretching and loosening his muscles, Ra`khu walked to the balcony that was attached to his second-story room.  It was sunrise, and the warm rays of the sun were most welcome indeed.  The yellow light bathed his naked form, and he found that simply standing there and taking in the crisp (and slightly chilly) morning air while basking in the warm, caressing sunlight filled him with a great vigor.

Vigor indeed; it was something he seemed to have a lot of ever since a particularly twisted and strange encounter he had while hunting a few weeks ago.  He had occasional nightmares about it, and he still hadn't spoken to his wife about it.  He hadn't told anybody about it actually since he didn't want them to know.  What had happened to him was shameful, and what he was put through was most disturbing indeed.  But what was important was that he now knew of the dangers that lurked in that area of the land, and he made sure to remind his soldiers and hunters every day that they were never to enter that area.

Of course, although he never spoke of it, he was certainly questioned enough about it every day.  The event had left him with a bloated belly that was large and heavy enough to cause him to waddle until he reached a river where he, ahem, rid himself of the extra weight.  That same event had left him with balls the size of his fists, which unfortunately were not as readily drainable despite his best efforts.  That in particular was what caused him to be questioned almost every day, since loincloths could only cover so much.  For what it was worth, he did get rather approving nods from all of the females around camp.

...and a couple of the males too.  Hey, it wasn't his thing, but at the very least, it WAS flattering.

But his balls had returned to normal size a few days ago, thanks to his relentless and daily efforts.  And with his body and life returning to something resembling normal, he had spent the better part of the previous night celebrating with his wife in every conceivable position.  She hadn't been so thrilled and exhausted since their honeymoon.  For that, he did feel a bit bad, but the duties of being a leader too often got in the way of their lovemaking.  It was something he decided to start changing in his life.

Actually, a lot had been changing ever since that encounter.  He couldn't figure out what was going on, but he felt different inside and out.  Every day that passed, he felt slightly changed.  Amongst the other things the tribe mentioned in his presence, they spoke of how they noticed the changes too.  They smiled more around him, as if they were more confident and comfortable around him.  And it felt...good.  Perhaps he had been mistaken all these years in how he ran things?  Under his guidance, his people were (mostly) disciplined, and they were safe, but perhaps there was something to be said about being approachable and friendly too.

Someone whistled at Ra`khu from down below, which shook him out of his contemplative state.  A group of three guards were chuckling, while a fourth one waved with a sarcastic grin on his face.  "Sir!  Sunning your pride and joy again?"

Ra`khu huffed.  The wooden beam that went around the perimeter of the balcony was only kept up by a small vertical beam every two feet, which meant his naked form was pretty much on display.  But he didn't mind.  He climbed up on the beam and sat down, spreading his legs wide and called out, "Kernah, this isn't just my pride and joy, this is the pride and joy of the whole camp!"

"Speaking of the whole camp...", Kernah started, "do you plan on keeping everyone awake half the night again with you revisiting your honeymoon with your wife?'

"Kernah, you're just jealous of my stamina!"

"Sir, if I had your smoking hot wife, yeah I think I could go most of the night too."

The four guards broke out into heavy laughter.  Ra`khu pondered that briefly, thinking about how if that guard had said that four weeks ago, he'd have personally beat him to a bloody pulp for such a comment.

"Kernah, what stamina do you need?  I thought you just laid down for the other boys"

The other three guards erupted into another round of laughter, while Kernah chuckled, "Other boys!  No sir, I'd never cheat on you!"

Ra`khu huffed and shook his head, "Oh I am so gonna have to come down there and beat you down".

Kernah smiled, "Oh, by the way sir, thanks for my big victory last night"

Ra`khu tilted his head, "Victory?  Was there some competition I wasn't aware of?"

Kernah shrugged, "Not really a competition.  You see, after about two hours of you and your wife moaning and shaking the Earth, we started taking bets on how long you two were going to go.  Guess who won it big?"

Ra`khu flicked his ears and stood up on the balcony's edge, "That's it Kernah, I'm going to jump down there and flatten you!"

The four guards, still chuckling, ran off to get back to work.  Ra`khu felt a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around and gently drop back into the balcony proper.  His wife was standing there, just as naked as he, and still smiling.  Her coat was a pure white that glistened in the morning sun.  She was slim and slightly curvy, but far from frail.  Actually she had a lot of toned muscle, having been the former leader of the hunting party before she gave it up to become queen.  Her voice was soft and tender, her eyes a vibrant blue, and her fur was as soft as the touch of a snowflake.  And while she was generally very sweet and tender, only once did any male in the tribe ever touch her inappropriately.  She slammed him through a table in the eating hall and broke his shoulder so quickly he didn't even have time to realize he'd upset her.

Ra`khu reflected on that as he looked at her standing timidly in the sunlight.  That was something that always amazed him; that she could be so vicious and powerful and yet look so shy and tender when in private.  She had her head lowered a bit, a smile cemented on her face as she looked up to him and slowly swayed her hips in the cool morning air.  She leaned up and gave Ra`khu a quick kiss on the nose, "You...are...loud".

He nodded, "Apparently that is the consensus around camp"

His wife raised an eyebrow at that, "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Ra`khu nervously chuckled and gave his wife a big hug, "Nothing, Rinnae, nothing at all."

She rested her head on his shoulder, lightly nuzzling his cheek and sighing softly.  Though she did have excellent muscle tone, she still looked small in his arms.  He had a lot of muscle, although he didn't have nearly as much as some obsessive members of the guard unit who looked like they had a hard time finding a chair that would support their weight.

"Listen," Ra`khu started, "I'm going to go talk to the security chief.  Why don't you get some breakfast and bring it up here and we'll eat it together on the balcony, okay?  I should be back in around ten minutes"

Rinnae nodded and rubbed his firm chest, "Okay hun, see you in a little bit".

Ra`khu slipped back into the bedroom, donned his loincloth, and then went downstairs and out into the main courtyard.  He found Lemul, his security chief, speaking to two soldiers who looked like they'd already been in battle that morning.  They were scuffed up, bleeding in a few places, and limping.

Ra`khu walked up to them and patted Lemul on the shoulder, "Please tell me that this isn't as bad as it looks."

Both soldiers did their best to stand at attention and salute, "Sir!"

Lemul shook his head, "It's worse.  Their patrol started off with six men."

Ra`khu sighed and rubbed his forehead.  "All right then, I guess you want to have a security meeting then?"

Lemul nodded, "As soon as possible".

"Okay then, let's talk back in my room.  I promised my wife I'd join her for breakfast up there anyway."

Lemul pulled a chair up to a small table where Ra`khu and Rinnae were eating.  Ra`khu did his best to speak between bites of food, "Okay Lemul, lay it on me.  What is going on?"

"We can start off with the fact that four men on patrol died today because of an ambush set up by one of the bear tribes.  We aren't certain which bear tribe it is.  Our men defended themselves valiantly; they did kill two bears during the course of their retreat.  Any other day I might have been happier for it, but since we're short on men anyway..." Lemul's voice trailed off a bit.

Lemul cleared his throat before continuing, "Look, I know you don't want to hear this, and I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I really think that we need to abandon this area.  The food is becoming scarce, not to mention that if the bears were to really come after us, they'd lay waste to our village in no time.  We are far from the other wolf tribes so we really don't have any help out here.  And you still haven't fulfilled your promise to me that you made twelve years ago.  When we settled here, you promised to tell me why.  You remember that, right?  We're far from our home turf, surrounded by enemies, we're hungry, alone, and still waiting for you to tell us why we'd settle *here* of all places."

Ra`khu took a swig of wine and licked his lips, "Actually, you have the most perfect timing as always, Lee.  The promise that is, I think this is a perfect time to tell you.  You really want to know why I had us settle out here?  Because back home we were STILL hungry, surrounded by enemies, and alone.  Remember that is precisely how you described the living situation back there.  Remember saying that?"

Ra`khu wiped his mouth off and continued, "The land around us was almost deserted.  Our numbers were growing, but we weren't expanding our territory.  There were more tribes, more mouths to feed, and less food to be had by the day.  There was bitter infighting, political backstabbing, and high crime.  If we didn't set out to take back some territory from the bears, we'd be sitting around a small tent, weak, starving, and surrounded by wolves that might kill us anyway.  And beyond our borders?  Those same bear tribes could still have swept in and taken us out if they ever got organized.  Here, at least we made a decent living for ourselves."

Ra`khu took a big bite of food and gulped it down, as if to accentuate his point.  "Twelve years ago, we wouldn't have had enough food to feed twenty people, nonetheless the two hundred some-odd people we have in this tribe.  You are right, Lee, things aren't exactly great here.  But they were so much worse back home".

Lemul sighed.  "Perhaps, but things still aren't easy here.  We have been keeping an eye on a bear tribe that we think is gearing up to assault us here soon.  They have twice as many soldiers as we have.  If things were reversed, if we had double their numbers, I'd consider it a fair fight.  Bears are very mighty people, and I just don't see this ending well for us at all."

Rinnae finished her breakfast and silently took her plates, and Ra`khu's, to the mess hall, leaving the two guys to speak alone.

"Sir, before we go on, may I ask you something?"

Ra`khu nodded, "Of course Lemul.  You've always been a friend of mine, ever since we were young.  Why wouldn't you be able to speak your mind now?"

Lemul nodded but still looked uneasy, "Last"

Ra`khu grunted, "Yes, I know, everyone could hear me and Rinnae mating"

Lemul straightened up his stance in his chair, "Sir I usually don't ask about bedroom stuff, but last night your mating lasted for several sessions and took almost all night.  Were you trying to conceive again?  Have you had any luck, or is Rinnae still sterile?"

Ra`khu stayed silent for a moment.  No wonder Lemul hesitated.  That was a very well-kept secret, and he had hoped that Lemul had the good sense to keep it that way.  In reality, he probably shouldn't have told Lemul, but as friends, he felt that he needed to tell his friend what was going on.

"Yes Lemul, I was trying to conceive with her again.  But nothing seems to help.  No matter what we do, she won't come into heat.  We've tried a smattering of herbal remedies and odd exercise rituals, to no avail.  Even Dirike the mage hasn't had any luck with helping her ovulate...oh!  Speaking of mages, don't we have mages that can help turn the tide of battle?  Bears don't use magic, so we could use that to our advantage".

Lemul shook his head.  It was just like Ra`khu to turn a personal conversation back around to a more professional topic.  Some things just never change.  "No sir, Dirike is our only spellcaster.  Optimistically speaking, I'd say he could take out perhaps two enemy soldiers before succumbing to the battle.  If you really wanted to have my assurances that we could defeat the bears, we'd need to have every single soldier of ours be a spellcaster".

"What about archers?  I know we have at least two squads"

"Yes, we do.  But the bears also have archers.  Their bows are bigger and brawnier because the bears are bigger and brawnier.  Ergo, their arrows are heavier and have more range."

Ra`khu shook his head, "Well what about fighting in the woods?  We can use our speed and agility in the thickly wooded areas that bears have trouble navigating".

"Very true sir, but again, at twice our numbers, I don't think we'd stand even a remote chance.  We need something better than that.  We need more than what we have."  Lemul shook his head, "I just don't see this place being viable anymore"

Ra`khu stood up and walked over to the balcony, leaning on the frame and taking in some fresh air.

"Exactly how certain are you, Lee, that the bears are even going to attack?"

Lemul walked up and leaned on the frame opposite Ra`khu, staring outside into the bright morning landscape.  "They're going to attack sir.  They've -already- attacked our patrol.  Right now it's a matter of time."

"How much time?"

"Based on what we know, probably about another week, maybe a little longer than that."

"Fine then.  Tell everyone to prepare for an evacuation.  But don't have them leave yet.  I want some time to try and think of something.  I think I may be able to come up with something, but I need some time to think it through.  Let's have a meeting in the main hall tomorrow morning.  Sound good?"

Lemul stood up and saluted, "Yes sir".

The next morning, the main hall was lined with the entirety of the wolf tribe army.  Fifty soldiers, the security chief, and Ra`khu were all seated on benches that lined the long rectangular tables.  The room was slightly noisy as everyone was speaking to the people around them, discussing their own ideas about the upcoming crisis.  After talking through a few last ideas with Lemul, Ra`khu was ready to address the troops.  So he went to the center of the hall and stood on top of one of the tables, clapping his paws together and shouting out until everyone quieted down.

"Okay, listen up everyone.  I want to get this moving along quickly, so we're going to skip the obvious.  You all know why we've called this meeting this morning.  So let's skip to what we're going to do about this.  After discussing these things at length with Lemul, I've narrowed our options down.  My first idea is probably our safest bet: a simple retreat to an area that is about three day's travel from here.  Food and water are scarce there, but we could scratch out a living at least until we figure out our next step."

Ra`khu gave them a moment to let that sink in.  "My second idea is riskier but it is my personal favorite.  The bears seem to have committed their entire army to the upcoming attack.  We could abandon our village, pack it up, leave....but instead of retreating further towards wolf territory, in this case we'd push further into bear territory.  We swoop south far enough to avoid being seen by their army, then head up and raze their village.  Since their village is undefended, it should be a piece of cake to ransack.  We'd steal whatever supplies we could carry, burn the place to the ground, and make sure they don't have a home to return to.  Their army would return to find they have no families, no food, no water.  Let them know what the consequences are for fucking with the wolves!"

The entire hall seemed to roar out in enthusiastic approval.  The soldiers were all shouting out and banging their beer mugs against the tables.  Ra`khu grinned from ear to ear at seeing their reaction.  "Okay guys, settle down, we have other things to discuss", he shouted out.

But the men didn't quiet down.  Actually they grew louder and started fidgeting in their seats.  In fact it seemed that they weren't even paying attention to him.  They were shouting and...struggling with something?

From his position atop the table in the center of the hall, Ra`khu couldn't see much more than the men apparently being distracted by something.  The men kept pointing under their tables, and it looked like they were trying to get up off their benches but couldn't.  They were putting their hands on the table and trying to push themselves off, but something was holding them down.

Ra`khu went to jump down off the table, but he found that something was holding his feet in place.  He looked down and immediately his eyes went wide, his ears flattening against his head.

"!  Not again...!"

He went to shout out, but another tentacle whipped up from under the table and wrapped around his muzzle, keeping it closed and tight.  He instinctively reached up and frantically wrestled with the tentacle, but as he did so, several more broke through the floor and came up around the table, wrapping around his tail, his upper legs, and arms.

The tentacles coiled around his limbs, tightening their grip and pulling him down hard against the wooden table with a loud "thunk".  Once the tentacles had him laying on the table, larger tentacles slithered up and coiled around his chest, his stomach, his hips, and his neck.  Ra`khu fought against them furiously, but it was already too late.  His arms were pinned down above his head at the wrist, and his legs were spread wide open and pinned against the table at the knees and at the ankles.

But even with the tentacle around his neck, he was still able to look around the room.  Everyone in the room was suffering a similar fate, being pinned down where they were by hundreds of tentacles popping up out of the floor all around the room.  Some of the men were pinned down on tables like Ra`khu, others were pinned down to their seats, and some others were pinned down to the floor.  In a few minutes, the room was silent as everyone was pinned and muzzled by the tentacles.

The tentacles around Ra`khu's body stiffened up a bit as he pulled and tugged at his tentacle restraints, but otherwise they wouldn't budge.  His heart was beating hard in his chest as he felt a pervasive fear running through his body.  Finally, he heard the voice, sounding low and as if being whispered in his ear.

"Tell them...tell them that they are here for my pleasure.  Tell them to stop struggling and to let themselves be taken by me however I wish"

Ra`khu felt the tentacle around his muzzle slip away slowly and rest on his chest.  He growled lowly and whispered, "No, these are my people.  It is my duty to protect them.  I can not, I -will- not do that"

The tentacle that was resting on his chest slipped up and very lightly bopped him on the nose.  Then it traced its way down his neck, down his chest, and down his belly, very slowly making its way down to his waist.  There, it carefully undid his loincloth and pulled it off, exposing his cock and balls to the cool morning air.  With the tentacles keeping his legs spread wide, that left him completely on display to everyone in the room.

"Wolf, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way..."

Ra`khu shut his eyes tight and whimpered under his breath.  His body started shaking from the fear and adrenaline pumping through his body.  It was all happening again.  Being tied down, held at the mercy of this beast.  He knew what would come of this if he struggled.  Worse yet, his entire army was pinned down too.  And the last thing he wanted was to see them all go through the same thing that he had gone through four weeks ago.

"Everyone!", Ra`khu shouted out.  "...everyone, this strange thing...this beast is powerful.  And it is cruel.  Please just appease it, do whatever you have to do, to make this go by as painlessly as possible.  Just let it go."

A silence settled on the hall.  Ra`khu clenched his eyes shut, knowing that everyone there was staring at him.  He was exposed, helpless, and pleading in the grip of this monster.  And worse yet, he had surrendered to it and begged all of these proud soldiers to surrender themselves as well.  Ten minutes ago, they were cheering for a sneak attack on their enemy.  Now, they were humbled by this menacing creature.  He was bound, exposed, helpless, and afraid.

A whisper in his ear, "Good boy"

Then Ra`khu heard a little bit of commotion off to his left side.  When he turned his head, he saw two soldiers continuing to struggle against the tentacles.  He heard that voice in his ear, "They are not listening to you.  Fix this"

Ra`khu frantically shouted at the soldiers, "Stop it!  You'll only make this worse.  Please just settle down and listen to this creature's demands!"

But as the other soldiers saw the first two struggle, they too started to try and fight back.  Their fighting was futile though, as the tentacles pretty much had them mostly immobilized.

The voice shouted out into the hall loud enough for everyone to hear it, "You will stop this resisting at once, or I will make an example out of your powerful leader.  Then once I am done humbling him, I will humble each one of you next!"

The soldiers fought back with even more vigor, useless as it was.  Now the entire hall was struggling, trying to free themselves from the mighty beast.

"That's it!", the voice shouted.

The wolf cried out frantically, "Everyone!  Stop!  Please stop!"

Dozens more tentacles burst through the floor and snaked over the table and around Ra`khu.  The tentacles keeping his arms and legs pinned down and spread tightened their grip, as well as the tentacles that had coiled around his body.  One large tentacle slipped up between the wolf's legs and pushed into the crack of his ass.  Once there, it shot incredibly warm and slippery fluid across his tailhole and all over his crack.  Then the tip of the tentacle pressed itself against his tailhole and started wriggling around until his tailhole gave way and the tentacle pushed itself inside.

The wolf tensed up and yelled out as the tentacle violated his ass.  It spread him open quite easily with the lube it had sprayed on him, and pushed deep into his ass.  The wolf felt his ass fill with the large, slick, and incredibly warm tentacle as it already started to pump steadily in and out of his tailhole.  The ribbed, slime-covered tentacle wriggled around excitedly as it pushed deep into his ass over and over again.

Meanwhile, the two tentacles that were wrapped around his legs moved up a bit until their tips reached his groin.  They moved up and slid around his softly-furred ballsac, caressing it.  The tentacles were groping and rubbing his ballsac, rolling it across their lengths with all the skill and dexterity of a professional whore's tongue.  One of the tentacles then slid just a bit further down behind the ballsac and started teasing his taint and tickling the back of his sac.  The wolf was helpless as the sent such pleasant sensations through his groin, causing his cock to swell and grow erect.

As his cock throbbed hard in the cool morning air, on display to everyone, the tentacle in his ass picked up speed, pounding into him with an untamed fervor.  His body and the table rocked back and forth with each deep thrust into his ass.  He tried to relax his ass, tried to loosen up so this would go by quickly.  But then the wolf heard that menacing voice in a low whisper, "please wolf, clench up, fight it.  I enjoy the feel of your fur around my tentacle".

The wolf whimpered a bit and clenched his asscheeks around the tentacle, squeezing so tightly around it as it continued to piston in and out of his now slick asshole.  Then suddenly the tentacles that were coiled around his legs lifted his hind end up, while the tentacles around his arms and chest kept him pinned in place on the table.  The tentacles lifted his hindquarters up to where his hips were directly over his head, and his cock was pointed down straight at his face.  The wolf earflattened and tried to wriggle into a different position, but the tentacles around his entire body tightened up and kept him in place.  He lay there with his shoulders pinned to the top of the table, his hips suspended in the air by tentacles, and his legs still kept spread apart.

The tentacle fucking his ass picked up some speed with a renewed vigor, and the wolf found that the tentacle was hitting entirely new places within his ass.  One spot it had found, it started hitting that one spot to the exclusion of all others once it was found.  Each time the tentacle rubbed up against it, he felt a jolt of pleasurable energy run ripple through his ass and groin, making his cock stiffen up and leak a bit of pre each time, which would dribble off the end of his cock and drop onto his nose.

"Watch!", the voice shouted out to the room.  "Watch as your leader lies helpless in my grasp.  Watch as he can do nothing but fall victim to my wishes.  And watch as he even enjoys it, and submits to my desires!"

The wolf clenched his eyes shut, tearing up a bit as he was sodomized by this beast in front of his entire army.  The tentacle slamming into his ass started to pulse and throb, and the wolf could feel a sudden rush of hot liquid gushing into his ass.  So much of the tentacle's cum was flooding into him that it almost immediately started flowing further up his ass and into his intestines, helped along by gravity since he was currently upside-down.  Some of it even spurted out of his ass, shooting into him too quickly for even his ass to handle so it leaked out and started dripping down his back, and along his front.  Tentacle cum started streaming like rivers up and down the crack of his ass and down his body, over his groin and balls and even down his length, where it dripped off and landed on his nose.

The wolf heard that voice in a low whisper, "Open your mouth.  Eat it, eat all of it!"

The wolf silently obeyed and opened up his mouth, tears running down his head as the tentacle cum covered his cock and dripped off onto his snout.  The warm salty semen fell right onto his tongue and rolled slowly down along his mouth into the back of his throat where he swallowed it right down.  He stuck his tongue out and licked the cum off of his lips and nose as well, as more tentacle cum came down in a steady stream.  But the tentacle in his ass didn't stop thrusting into him.  Even as it pumped its cum into him, it continued to pump and thrust into him at a rapid pace, each time hitting that spot in his ass that made his entire body shake with pleasure, his stiff cock dripping some of its own pre along with all of the tentacle cum dripping off of it.

Finally, the tentacle thrusted intensely against that spot inside the wolf's ass, pounding on it again and again, sending wave after wave of pleasure through the wolf's body until his body tensed up and moaned loudly as he was hit by an intense orgasm.  His cock stiffened up and shot huge wads of his own cum all over the wolf's open mouth, and right onto his tongue.  He kept his mouth open, letting shot after thick shot of cum shoot onto his face and into his mouth.  He was amazed, privately, at the sheer amount of cum he was suddenly able to produce.  His own salty seed quickly filled his mouth and he had to swallow it down twice, plus all the more that had shot all over his lips and chin.  His ass muscles started reflexively squeezing and relaxing around the tentacle, which for the moment had actually stopped thrusting.  But it was still throbbing and shooting its own river of cum deep into the wolf's bowels.

After his orgasm subsided, the tentacles that were wrapped around his body started to rub and grind around at all parts of his body, but especially his gut.  As more and more cum filled his ass and intestines, the tentacles seemed to be squeezing around those areas and helping the cum move further up into his system.  But there was nothing he could do as he lay there, staring straight up at his crotch above him, still dripping some tentacle cum down from his cocktip.  He could see the thick tentacle in his ass; he watched it throb as each throb made the wolf feel more bloated, and heavier.  Cum kept filling his ass and flowing into him, and the tentacle creature seemed to have no limit as to how much cum it could produce.

Finally the tentacles holding his ass in the air eased his body back onto the table.  "Stay still, obedient pup", was all he heard.  The room was silent.  He could feel all of their eyes burning on him.  They just watched him get raped, helpless and hopeless.  Their leader was reduced to a sex toy for this mysterious beast.

"Tell them that you are my playtoy.  Tell them that you are my sex slave"

The wolf earsplayed and whimpered, whispering, "Please, just..."

"Do it!"

The wolf opened his mouth and yelled out, "I...I am sorry everyone..."

The tentacles around him squeezed tight.  "stick to my message"

Ra`khu started again, "Everyone.  I am this beast's sex slave.  I exist only to pleasure it."

The tentacle beast rubbed a tentacle along the wolf's snout softly, "Good.  Now tell them, that they too are my playthings"

Again the wolf whimpered, "My people..."

The tentacles squeezed him tightly, "No, MY people!"

After the wolf recovered from the squeeze of the tentacles, he shouted out, "And you are all the beast's slaves as well.  We all, are captives of this thing."

The tentacle near the wolf's snout started rubbing along his chin, "Good boy.  Now assure them that you are still their leader, and you will direct them to pleasure me from now on".

The wolf didn't dare resist again.  "But I am still your leader.  You are still under my command.  And you will take my orders on how to pleasure this beast at his desire".

"Very good boy.  Now like any good boy, you should demonstrate for them exactly how obedient they are to be.  Get on the table on your hands and knees.  Then lower your chest to the table and keep your rump up high for me to take as I please.  I expect not to have to restrain you, since you are my submissive bitch".

The tentacles that had been squeezing and holding the wolf slowly uncoiled and slid back down into the dirt from whence they came.  The only tentacles around the wolf now were the one still buried deep in his ass and flooding him with cum, one thick one hovering around his face, and a rather small one that was currently playing with one of his nipples.

So the wolf slowly picked himself up and turned around on the table, getting on his hands and knees as he was commanded, his distended belly swaying a bit from all the extra weight that was being pumped into it.  He kept his eyes shut; he couldn't bear to see his people looking at him now, defeated and humiliated as he was sodomized and turned into an obedient sex slave before their very eyes.  He kept his rump high in the air, his tail hiked up high and showing off the tentacle still buried in his ass, throbbing and pumping cum into him.  He lowered his front half until his head was on the table, and he could feel the creature's cum flowing down deeper into his body once more.  His body felt so much heavier now with all the cum in him, and the cum still being pumped into him.  His belly had expanded a bit as if he had just eaten an incredibly large meal.  He felt bloated and he could feel the fluid cum swishing around in his guts as he moved.

As he settled into his position on the table, the wolf spread his legs out wide until his knees were just along either edge of the table.  Then the tentacle in his ass slowly pulled out.  Just as it pulled out, it fired off another hot stream of cum that covered the base of the wolf's tail, his ass, and even his dangling ballsac, in cum.  Shot after shot of cum marked his ass as belonging to the tentacle beast.  Cum drizzled down his inner thighs and slowly dripped off his ballsac and cocktip at it hang in the air below his body.

And for the moment, the wolf was finally able to relax a bit.  His ass was incredibly sore after being pounded into so harshly for so long.  But just as he let his tail lower a bit, he felt another warm, wriggling, fleshy tentacle slip up along his cum-soaked asscrack and push into his tailhole.  With his ass and insides completely covered in the creature's slimy, salty cum, the tentacle was able to glide in without much effort, and the wolf's tailhole spread easily, almost invitingly for the second invader.  Without hesitation, it started thrusting into him at semi-slow pace, rocking his body lightly with each deep thrust.

But this time he hadn't a single moment to worry about it.  The tentacle around his snout started pushing up against his nose and lips.  He didn't bother to play dumb, he knew exactly what the tentacle beast wanted and he knew that trying to resist would only make this humiliation take longer.  The wolf simply opened his mouth and let the slimy tentacle slip right in.  The wolf waited anxiously for a few seconds as the tentacle lay idly within his mouth, before he finally heard the voice.

"Don't just sit there wolf.  Kiss it.  Lick it.  Suckle on it like your wife's tit."

The wolf closed his lips around the tentacle and curled his tongue up along the bottom of it, lapping softly at it.  The tentacle started to slide back and forth inside his mouth, so the wolf tightened his lips around it and started to suckle on it, his cheeks bowing inward as he sucked hard enough to draw the tentacle deeper into his maw.  His tongue danced all over the tentacle, sliding across it, grinding so firmly against it.  He pinned the tentacle against the roof of his mouth and simply continued to grind his tongue back and forth along the bottom of it.

The tentacle pulled back a bit out of his mouth, and hovered idly in the air just in front of his snout.  The wolf leaned forward and gave it a long lick as far down its length as he could go.  Then he give it little kisses on the tip and along the side.  The tentacle dribbled a bit of pre out of the tip, and the wolf took at as a good sign.  He reached forward and grabbed the tentacle, pulling it closer to him.  He placed his lips around the tip and clenched them tightly around it, suckling hard as he then used his paw to push the tentacle further into his mouth, past his tight lips and deep into his maw.

As the tentacle filled his mouth again, the wolf slathered his tongue all over it.  And this time, it started to take on a rhythm of its own.  The tentacle pushed back deep into the wolf's mouth and it started to press down firmly against the wolf's tongue.  Then it started moving itself back and forth, thrusting in and out of the wolf's mouth but still pressing down on the wolf's tongue firmly enough to pin his chin down to the tabletop.  So the wolf simply kept his lips tightly around the wet tentacle and sucked hard to keep his lips as tight as possible around it.  The tentacle started to pick up speed so the wolf simply laid his ears back submissively against his head and held himself still while the tentacle raped his mouth.

"Help it along wolf.  Show your troops how obedient you are to me"

The wolf slowly brought his right paw up and wrapped his fingers around the length of the tentacle while he continued to suck on the six or so inches inside his mouth.  Through his fingers, he could feel the incredibly powerful muscles rippling underneath the skin of the tentacle.  It was every bit as strong and firm as a fully developed bodybuilder, while still perfectly prehensile.  And if it weren't raping him right then and there in front of his army, he might have even been in awe of it instead of humiliated, ashamed, and defeated.  Indeed he was being gang-banged by this monster and put on display in front of everyone he knew.  This was the end of his life as he would ever know it.  Worse yet, the creature seemed to want them all as slaves in the same way.  He led his people into being sex slaves for some unknown creature.  What sort of leader was he?

The tentacle started thrusting into his mouth faster, and he started to masturbate it as it muzzlefucked him.  A smaller tentacle grabbed the wolf's other paw and brought it up to the tentacle raping his mouth, so he grabbed the tentacle with that one as well and started vigorously rubbing and jerking at it while it thrusted deep into his mouth as fast as it could.  He suckled hard on the tentacle, keeping his lips tightly around it and rubbing the length of it as it started to throb, pulse, shake, and finally it thrusted deep into his mouth and shot off a hot stream of salty cum.  The first shot of cum was so large that it alone managed to fill the wolf's entire mouth, cheeks bulging.  He barely managed to swallow half of it down before another shot spilled into his mouth, most of it pushing out past his lips and dribbling all over his chin and down onto the table.

As more and more cum shot into his already overloaded mouth, the wolf swallowed as fast as he could.  But still, more and more cum was leaking out of his mouth and spilling all over the table.  The thick, creamy, salty, hot semen of the tentacle kept shooting into his filled mouth.  The wolf kept swallowing, the salty seed flowing easily down into his stomach, if still not fast enough.  More of the cum continued to leak out of his lips and all over his chin.

Finally, as he swallowed more and more of the tentacle cum, his stomach started to feel bloated and wouldn't let him swallow any more.  The tentacle creature, sensing this, pulled the tentacle back out of his mouth and started shooting all that cum all over his face instead.  The wolf pinned his ears back as the tentacle hovered in the air a scant inch in front of his muzzle, shooting the copious amounts of hot cum all over his muzzle, his head, between his eyes, over his nose, and across his lips.  Two small tentacles snapped up and pushed into his mouth, prying open his jaw.  The wolf took the hint and simply opened his mouth wide, and the larger tentacle continued to shoot cum straight into the wolf's mouth and onto his tongue, although most of it continued to drool out and onto his chin and down onto the table.

The wolf sat there for several minutes while the tentacle continued to cum into his open mouth and all over his face, until the tentacle's cum had literally coated every inch of his face and completely saturated his fur.  Finally the tentacle pulled away and the wolf simply kept his eyes closed, his body shaking from the humiliation and from fear.  He had never met such a creature before that made him feel so completely helpless and it also seemed to take such pleasure in doing so.

"Roll over", he heard the tentacle beast say.  Although again, the voice seemed to come out of nowhere in particular, and he wondered where the creature was talking from.  But nonetheless, the wolf picked his head up off the table, and he immediately felt it again.  His stomach and intestines were so completely filled with the tentacle's cum that his belly had expanded from it all.  He looked like he had gorged for two days on all the food he could find!  But a quick look at his backside, or his face, would indicate what really happened.  His ass end was every bit as covered in cum as his face, and between the two of them it almost looked as though he had bathed in the cum of a hundred stallions.  Cum was all over his ears (although thankfully not IN his ears), his head, dripping down his neck, his cheeks, his lips, his chin, all over his ass, his tail, his hips, and his thighs too.

It took a lot of energy for him to be able to turn around.  All of that cum deep in him seemed to be weighing him down, as it felt like he was trying to move while carrying a full suit of metal armor (and the fact that the one tentacle was still buried in his ass wasn't helping).  Finally after moving very carefully, the wolf turned around on the table and simply laid out, his bulging belly full of this creature's cum was on display to the entire room.  His arms and legs were hanging off the sides of the table, and he hadn't really the energy to move them back to the top of the table where he might have looked the tiniest bit more graceful.  But no, he lay there, defeated, raped, and humiliated in front of the people he was in charge of protecting.  He was no alpha.

A new set of tentacles moved up and started encompassing the wolf.  Tentacles had slid up along his legs and arms, around his midsection, cradling his head, pretty much everywhere in fact.  But this time they hadn't coiled around him, and they weren't holding him either.  Instead, they seemed to just be rubbing him and massaging him all over.  By comparison, it was a welcome change of pace.  The tentacles slid around and prodded into every crevice, making the wolf jump a bit, weakly, occasionally.  They were rubbing his belly, sloshing it around back and forth between one tentacle on either side of him, rubbing his cheek, massaging his thighs and arms.  And two tentacles were rubbing along his taint and very gently rubbing his ballsac, making him squirm a bit.

But it didn't stop there.  The wolf started to relax, as he had little other choice anyway, but the tentacles continued to grope, fondle, and rub them wherever they pleased.  Two more tentacles slid up along his sides and angled down to his groin, where they started rubbing the length of his member.  Between the two tentacles rubbing and groping his balls, and the other two slickly rubbing along the length of his cock, it almost felt like four bitches were giving him the lick-job of a lifetime!  It made him moan and squirm around, and he spread his legs out more without even thinking about it.  The slimy tentacles continued to rub themselves all over his length, leaving their slick ooze all over it.

The wolf's cock became erect again from all of the attention.  It grew to its full length and stiffened up, throbbing in the cool morning air as the tentacles coiled around it and stiffened up as well, locking the cock into position and preventing it from softening up and dropping back down.

Then, that little tentacle that had been teasing the wolf's nipple earlier, the tiny tentacle that he had all but forgotten about, started to move.  It stealthily moved down his body and the tip of it tickled the tip of the wolf's cock.  The sensation made him blush and wriggle around.  He tried to look down at what was going on, but his expanded stomach blocked his view.  With a quick grunt, he managed to sit up just enough to see the slender tentacle.  It was only a few millimeters wide, just slender enough to go into...

"Oh no"

The wolf's jaw dropped open, but before he could do anything, the tentacles gently pushed his shoulders back down onto the table.  Again, he heard the tentacle's voice, "You will sit still.  You will be obedient.  You will take what I have to give you and you will be happy for it.  You will surrender your body, your entire body and whatever part of your body I choose, for my pleasure.  So be quiet, spread your legs for me, and take it like the man you thought you were"

The wolf whimpered, and he felt the larger tentacles slapping at his inner thighs, beckoning him to open up more.

"Show them wolf.  Show them exactly how much you submit to me.  Show them how you are my slave.  Make sure you spread 'em wide so everyone here can watch as you give your most intimate areas over to me for my pleasure".

The wolf cried out, "Please!..."


The wolf clenched his eyes shut, outright crying now as he slowly opened his legs up until he couldn't spread them anymore.  They were as spread out as he could go, his groin fully surrendered to the tentacle beast.  And that beast wasted no time, either.

The little tentacle left a little ooze around the tip of the wolf's erect cock, then slowly pushed down into his urethra.  It wriggled around very carefully as it made its way deeper and deeper into his cock, his pisshole slightly stretched to take the width of the tentacle as it invaded his manliness.  The wolf could feel the tentacle pushing deeper and deeper, even past his cock and into his body.

Finally the tentacle stopped and simply throbbed inside his cock.  The feeling was unreal, the sensation of having another creature's part docked inside his cock was probably the creepiest thing he had ever felt.  With the other tentacles bound tightly around his cock though, he couldn't lose his erection.  He was stiff and throbbing himself, in front of two hundred troops, while his cock was invaded by this tentacle.  And worse yet, he wasn't being held down or forced to stay still either.  He was completely under the control of this beast; he dare not defy it while it raped his cock.

The tentacle inside his cock started to pull out, almost to the tip, then it pushed in again.  It started to very slowly build up a steady rhythm as it fucked his cock.  The wolf's pisshole was well-lubricated by the slime that covered the tentacles, and the little tentacle was gliding in and out of the wolf's cock rather easily because of it, even if he was a bit stretched out by the girth of the tentacle.

As the little tentacle started to build up more speed while fucking his cock, another more medium sized tentacle lined itself up along the wolf's crotch.  The two tentacles that were rubbing his balls now gently cupped his ballsac and held it still while the medium-sized tentacle pushed itself very carefully against the cleft between his balls.  And as the little tentacle fucking the wolf's peehole started to gain speed, so did the medium sized one fucking his ballsac.  Back and forth, the tentacle rubbed itself against the soft fur of the wolf's balls while the two smaller tentacles held his ballsac in place for the larger one.

The wolf, tears streaming down his cheeks now, simply kept his legs spread wide and his eyes tightly shut as the tentacle creature raped him.  The other tentacles around his body were simply rubbing and massaging him all over, almost like they were trying to help him along with it.

The small tentacle pushing in and out of the wolf's urethra started to push deeper with each thrust.  Every time it slid down deep into the wolf's cock, he could feel it start to poke the entry to his bladder.  And with each thrust, the tentacle hit that entry with more force, finally pushing through the ring of muscle that kept it shut.  With that, the tentacle pushed deeper into his bladder and started to do little mini-thrusts, keeping itself in the bladder and seeming to relish the extra-tight squeeze it was getting from the ring of muscle.  Finally the tentacle wriggled around and pushed in deep, shooting it's cum into the wolf's bladder.

The wolf could feel a sudden warming sensation in his lower belly, along with the tentacle throbbing inside his urethra.  He whimpered a bit as he felt a rush of warm cum filling him up, making his lower belly bulge a bit to match the rest of his belly.  The tentacle held deep inside him, cumming, until the wolf could feel his bladder almost reach the limit of what it could hold.  The tentacle pulled out of his bladder, but still within his urethra.

The medium-sized tentacle that was rubbing itself against his ballsac suddenly shot its load, firing thick globs of cum up into the air and then down all over the wolf's groin.  Stream after thick stream of cum was arcing up into the air and down all over the wolf's balls and member, and even all over the little tentacle that was still fucking his urethra.  The slimy cum seemed to make it even easier for the tiny tentacle to fuck his pisshole, as it started fucking him at a more rapid pace as more cum from the other tentacle coated it.

The medium sized tentacle continued to rub and slide against the wolf's balls, cumming all over them, before it pulled back and aimed down at the wolf's groin, shooting its cum directly at it.  The wolf simply whimpered and kept his legs spread open as the tentacle shot enormous amounts of cum all over his ballsac and cock.  Cum now completely coated his groin, from his cocktip down to his taint was now saturated in the tentacle's cum.  The tentacle was shooting so much cum that it was running down the wolf's groin in a stream down into the crack of his ass where the other, large tentacle was still throbbing softly inside his ass.  Cum was just dripping off the wolf's balls and cock.

Meanwhile, the little tentacle inside the wolf's pisshole continued to fuck him.  It started fucking his cock with such force that it was even moving the table back and forth as it thrusted deep into his cock, deep into his body, and back again.  The wolf could do nothing more than lay still with his legs spread for the tentacle as it pushed and thrusted deep into his cock, wriggling around and throbbing softly as it raped his manhood.

Finally, the little tentacle pushed in deep and wriggled around until it found the path it was really looking for.  The wolf could feel the tentacle push even deeper into his groin, moving down and finally entering his ballsac.  The tentacle stayed there for a second before it started do smaller thrusts, keeping itself deep inside the wolf's cock while still pushing back and forth in and out of his ballsac.

The wolf let out one last whimper and stretched his legs as he tried to spread them as much as he could.  The little tentacle was thrusting at an almost frantic pace as it did its mini-thrusts deep in his cock until it finally shoved in deeply and started throbbing.  The wolf grunted as he could feel the tentacle in his cock throbbing rapidly, and a sudden warmth spreading into his ballsac as the little tentacle starting shooting the hot, slimy, thick cum deep into the wolf's balls.

"Show them wolf.  Raise your hips, show them my trophy, my pride and joy!"

The wolf planted his feet down on the benches on either side of the table and managed to find the strength to raise his hips up high into the air, legs still spread as wide as he could.  The little tentacle was throbbing and twitching deep inside him as the creature filled up the wolf's ballsac with its own cum.  He could feel it deep inside him, all the way up to the top of his ballsac even as his ballsac was overcome with the spreading warmth of the invading cum from the tentacle.  His ballsac quickly started to grow in size as more and more cum from the tentacle beast filled it up.

The two tentacles that had been holding his ballsac still now cupped it gently and supported its weight as it was filled with the tentacle cum.  The medium-sized tentacle continued to rub itself against the cleft of the growing ballsac, shooting its cum once more all over the wolf's groin.  But now with the wolf's hips high in the air, much of that cum arced up high and landed all over the face.  The wolf simply opened up his mouth and let some of it in, and the tentacle that had muzzlefucked him before hovered a few inches above his snout and continued to shoot more cum all over his face and right into his open mouth.

Then the medium-sized tentacle pointed its tip straight up as it continued to frot the wolf's growing ballsac, so all of that cum started falling all over the tentacle, the wolf's balls, groin, and cock.  The other tentacles that were rubbing around his body started shooting cum all across his body wherever they were.  In seconds, the wolf was covered in hot streams of tentacle cum from every angle, coating his chest, his arms, legs, his feet, between his toes, his groin, his face was hit by at least three different streams, and his belly was coated in at least seven more streams of cum.

And they kept cumming.  More and more cum was covering the wolf from dozens of tentacles, while the tentacle inside his cock started thrusting again but kept itself inside his ballsac enough that its cum was still shooting directly into it.  The wolf's cum-covered ballsac was still growing slowly as the medium-sized tentacle rubbed and frotted up against it.  The wolf kept his feet planted and kept his hips in the air as he was covered in cum, and as the tentacle deep inside his cock kept thrusting and shooting its own cum right into his bloated ballsac.

More and more cum covered the wolf until his pelt was completely saturated by it all, and the cum started to drip off him, onto the table, and then onto the ground where it started to pool.  Three different tentacles pushed up to his maw to cum directly into his mouth.  He rolled his tongue over each one as it shot onto his tongue, and he swallowed a little bit that he could.  Meanwhile, five more tentacles were each taking turns sodomizing his ass, with each one shoving itself into his well-lubed and well-stretched tailhole where it would shoot some of its load before another tentacle would yank out that tentacle, and then force itself into the wolf's ass to do the same.  And each time they pulled out, they were firing massive amounts of cum all over his tailhole, the crack of his ass, his thighs, and his taint.

And the wolf obediently stayed still, keeping his hips in the air for all to see his humiliation.  The little tentacle was still cumming into his ballsac, which was now the size of two oranges set beside each other.  Finally the little tentacle stopped cumming and simply lay there deep in the wolf's cock, throbbing within his urethra.  It shot some more cum into his urethra until it started dribbling out of his cocktip, then it pulled out and shot one last wad of cum right onto his cocktip.

As that tentacle pulled away, the other tentacles around the wolf's mouth pulled back and shot one last wad all over his face and in his mouth.  The last tentacle that invaded his ass pulled out and shot a huge wad of cum right across his tailhole and tailbase, then it pulled away.  The wolf then heard, "Okay, rest now my slave, you did well".

The wolf dropped his hips onto the table and he could feel just how full he was.  His belly swished around carrying the enormous weight of the cum-loads of at least a dozen different tentacles.  It felt like there had to be at least ten gallons, if not more, in him.  His ballsac was equally bloated and it weighed down on his crotch.  It was large and throbbing, full of the tentacle's own cum.  Thankfully the weight wasn't enough to cause his groin any least discomfort due to the weight.

His stomach was a bit uneasy from having swallowed so much cum, up to his apparent limit.  His insides were bloated and heavy with cum, and his entire body was coated in it.  His muzzle, head, ears, neck, throat, shoulders, chest, arms, belly, groin, legs, even his toes were covered in cum.  But most of all, that medium-sized tentacle had shot waves of cum all over his ballsac and cock, which were the most saturated parts of his body now.  His ballsac was coated in nearly as much cum as had been pumped into it.  He was covered in so much white cum from head to toe, that he almost looked like his wife, the wolf of pure white fur.  But the cum was warm, and as it was soaked into his fur, it almost felt like he was laying in the sun.  More cum had coated the table and pooled onto the dirt floor below.

And for the first time since it all started, the wolf allowed himself to look around the room.  They were all staring at him.  They all looked so disgusted, so disappointed, so horrified by the mere sight of him.  The tentacles were still keeping them pinned down, although they hadn't been raped yet.  They were simply "chained down" by the tentacles, forced to watch as their leader was intimately sodomized in almost every conceivable fashion.

Ra`khu couldn't look them in the eye.  He felt so ashamed.  He was bare naked in front of his tribe, made the plaything of some tentacle beast, and was forced to tell them all to endure the same fate.

It was just as he remembered that, that more tentacles started to rise from the dirt floor of the room.  Each soldier's armor was stripped away until he was naked in front of his comrades.  Then tentacles plunged into his ass, his mouth, and his cock.  All three tentacles on each soldier took him without any fight.  They hadn't the will to fight back anymore.  They didn't even need to be held down.  They simply surrendered their body as the tentacles rose up and started fucking them the same way that the tentacles had taken their leader.

Lemul, the tribe's security chief, was on a bench right next to the table where Ra`khu had just been raped.  He was the only one giving any sort of fight to the tentacles raping him.  "Go to him," Ra`khu heard the tentacles say, "and remind him to submit to my will"

Ra`khu slowly eased himself off the table.  He felt himself almost out of balance from all the extra weight.  Cum was still dripping off his body from every location as he lumbered over to Lemul and placed a paw on his shoulder.  "Lemul, please, just don't..."

The tentacles seemed to whisper in Ra's ear, "Remind him that you are still his leader.  And that he is to obey your oders"

Ra`khu cleared his throat, "Lemul, I told you all to submit.  Just trust me, this is going to go the easiest if you just submit and get it over with.  Fighting won't help"

Lemul looked up at Ra`khu with big, pleading eyes.  He was almost on the verge of tears himself.  And he continued to struggle a bit against the tentacles that held him down.

"Wolf," the tentacles started to say, "remember how you used to calm him down when you were young boys?  Do it again, put him at ease..."

Ra`khu felt the blood shoot up into his face as a hard blush came on.  The tentacle creature knew?  How?

"Do it, wolf"

Ra`khu looked down at the ground, ashamed, then up at Lemul.  "Lemul, you need to calm down.  Remember when we were younger, when you were afraid and we were lost in the woods in the storm?  Remember what calmed you down?"

Lemul's eyes got a bit wider from surprise.  Then he looked down at the ground, ashamed.  He whimpered a bit and shook his head.

"C'mon Lemul.  Let's do it.  You need to sit back and accept what's happening.  The easier you make this on all of us, the better off you'll be.  Show me your trust.  Show me what you showed me all those years ago in the woods.  Let's do that thing that made you relax, that made you trust me."

Lemul, defeated, sat back on the bench and pushed his hips out, spreading his legs wide.  Ra`khu could see the little tentacle working feverishly at fucking Lemul's cock, pushing deep inside in rapid thrusts.  Ra`khu instinctively looked down at his own balls, which were hugely swelled with the tentacle cum.  At that moment, the medium-sized tentacle from before slipped up and started cupping and rubbing Ra`khu's ballsac.  Ra`khu could hear the beast whispering, "These are my pride and joy now"

Ra`khu reached down with both paws and pulled Lemul a bit closer to the edge of his seat.  With his legs spread wide open, Ra`khu stepped up and slid his crotch up closer to that of his old friend's.  His ballsac pressed lightly up against Lemul's, the velvety fur of their sacs lightly brushing each other.  Some of the cum that had coated Ra`khu's ballsac rubbed off on Lemul's sac.

Ra`khu could feel Lemul's ballsac rubbing up against his own.  In fact he could feel Lemul's ballsac warm up and start to expand.  The tentacle beast had started to cum in his ballsac now and it was swelling with all of the cum.  Ra`khu didn't stop though.  He spread his legs a bit and started very slowly thrusting his hips, rubbing his bloated ballsac against Lemul's.  Up and down, their ballsacs rubbed together.  They slid across each other, the heat from their groins grew a bit as he pressed them together firmly.

Ra`khu's limp dick was idly brushing against the bottom of Lemul's dick, which was still being urethra-fucked by a little tentacle.  But as Ra`khu continued to rub and grind his ballsac against Lemul's, his own cock started to swell up and become erect again.  Lemul could feel Ra`khu's cock harden, and he remembered exactly what came next.  So he kept his legs spread and leaned back against the table behind him, and let Ra`khu do what he needed to.

Ra`khu's dick, once it fully firmed up, slid firmly against the bottom of Lemul's dick.  A tentacle popped up and wrapped around both cocks, forcing them to stay together.  Ra`khu suddenly felt another small tentacle invade his urethra again and start to fuck him deep into his ballsac.  But it only distracted him for a moment.  He brushed his bloated ballsac up against Lemul's ballsac, and thrusted his stiff cock against Lemul's own throbbing erection.

Ra`khu placed his paws on Lemul's shoulders for support as he leaned over the smaller wolf.  Then he started really going at it.  He started thrusting at a rapid pace, his bloated ballsac bumping up against Lemul's bloated ballsac with each thrust as both of them were getting filled with more tentacle cum.  Lemul's body rocked with each thrust of Ra`khu, their cocks throbbing with pleasure as they rubbed up against each other, tentacles deep in their urethras and shooting more cum into their balls.  The wolves just closed their eyes and continued to rub their cocks together, feeling thenheat of each other's crotches and throbbing erections as they gave into the moment.  Lemul's belly started to expand as he swallowed cum and more cum was pumped into his ass.  But he didn't care, he simply submitted to his leader's body, and his leader's direction to give himself to the tentacles

A duo of tentacles rose from the floor around Ra`khu's feet.  One wiggled its way into Ra`khu's ass, while the other one slipped up to his muzzle.  Ra`khu opened his mouth and took it in without a second thought, suckling lightly on it while the other two tentacles pounded into his cock and ass.  He almost immediately felt more cum pumping into his ass.  But as the other tentacle shot more cum into his mouth, he found that he still couldn't swallow any more, so it just drooled out of the side of his mouth and dripped down his chin.  But he didn't care.  He kept Lemul pinned beneath him, his cock throbbing quickly as he rubbed his cock and balls against Lemul's.

Thrust after thrust, grinding and rubbing of ballsacs, their cocks pulsing as they rubbed against each other, finally Ra`khu and Lemul both felt their orgasms coming at once.  They thrusted hard against each other's groins and grunted, only to have the tentacles inside their cocks puff up and prevent them from shooting.  Instead, the tentacles inside their cocks started to shoot even more cum into their balls.  Their balls cramped up a bit, but it was quickly overwhelmed by the warming sensation of the tentacle cum shooting into them, along with more tentacles that were carefully rubbing and massaging their bloated ballsacs.  As Ra`khu leaned over Lemul, his engorged ballsac lay comfortably atop Lemul's groin, the warmth of the cum-covered sac pressing against Lemul's ballsac, cock, and loins simply made both wolves melt into a relaxed state.

They simply lay there, enjoying the warmth of each other's loins as the tentacle beast topped them off with more cum.  Ra`khu leaned down and spat out the tentacle in his mouth.  His stomach was full already anyway.  Now his mouth was full of tentacle cum again, some of it dribbling off his chin and down his neck.

Lemul looked up at him, and oddly the tentacle pumping cum into his mouth slipped away.  Ra`khu leaned down and Lemul leaned up, sticking his tongue out and pushing it deep into Ra`khu's own mouth.  He pulled some of the warm, thick, salty cum out of Ra's mouth and swallowed it down himself, then he leaned up and did it again.  Ra`khu left his mouth open and Lemul simply started tonguing around inside Ra`khu's mouth, cleaning out all of the cum himself.  He licked around Ra`khu's teeth, between his teeth and lips, over his lips and snout, and lastly over his tongue.  Ra`khu let his long wolf tongue roll out, and Lemul took into his mouth, suckling a bit on it and running his tongue all over it.  The wolves turned their heads a bit and locked their jaws together in an intense moment of lust, licking deep within each other's mouths, kissing passionately as their asses and cocks continued to be fucked by the tentacle beast.

Then, the medium-sized tentacle wriggled in between their ballsacs and started thrusting itself up and down, sandwiched firmly between their bloated sacks.  Their hot groins felt even hotter as the tentacle pumped itself between their cushy ballsacs.  Both wolves spread their legs out more and pressed firmer against each other, tightening the space around the tentacle.  The tentacle started thrusting faster immediately, squirming around against their cocks as a tentacle again wrapped around the cocks and sandwiched them on either side of the tentacle.

With the tentacle nested firmly between their cocks, the wolves started thrusting and grinding again, rubbing their cocks back and forth against the tip of the tentacle and their ballsacs gently grinding back and forth along the length of it.  The wolves parted the kiss and started to pant, catching their breath as they fell more into the moment.  They started feverishly licking at each other's snouts, cleaning off all the cum that had spilled onto their faces.

The two mighty male wolves held their crotches tightly together as they thrusted, the tentacle between them started to squirm around and throb heavily, which only made them pick up their speed.  They let their soft, cushy, heavy ballsacs rub up and down the length of the tentacle as their cocks rubbed and grinded against the tip until the tentacle finally thrusted up firmly and started to shoot cum all over Lemul's belly, his cock, his balls, and his chin.

Ra`khu, breathlessly, whispered, "You have to get your stomach filled, too"

Lemul nodded and leaned down between their bodies, opening his mouth and catching the tentacle's cum in his mouth.  The tentacle wriggled up between their groins until Lemul could finally pull it into his mouth, guzzling down the cum while staring straight at the wolves' cum-soaked crotches.  Their own cocks still had smaller tentacles deep in their urethras, thrusting hard and throbbing deep within their dicks.  But it seemed that their balls were filled up to capacity, as each throb of the tentacles in their cocks just shot cum out of their tip instead of filling them up more.

It still didn't stop the beast from trying, it seemed.  Those little tentacles continued to throb and thrust into their dicks.  The tentacles in their asses were still thrusting lightly, but not cumming any more since both of the wolves were now filled as much as they could be.

So the wolves stayed still there, balls pressed firmly together and sandwiching the tentacle, with Ra`khu rubbing Lemul's shoulders as he swallowed down more and more of the tentacle's cum.  It was shooting cum faster than he could swallow though, so much of it ended up dripping down his chin and onto their already cum-soaked crotches.

As some tentacles started rubbing Ra`khu's ballsac, he heard the tentacle beast whisper again, "MY pride and joy..."

"yes, all yours..."

"Now tell them, tell your tribe that they will stay right here.  Tell them that this is their home, and they will stay to protect it, and me, for their entire lives."

Meanwhile, in the leader's bedroom on the other side of the village, Rinnae woke from her nap feeling a bit uneasy.  She looked around the large room and pulled the sheets up close to her naked body.  Her fluffy white fur stood on edge for a moment and she held her breath, her ears perking up and swiveling around as she tried to listen for something.  But, alas she heard nothing.  Still, she felt really tense for some reason and she couldn't place her finger on it.  There was something amiss though and it did frighten her.

Suddenly, Rinnae felt something grab her leg.  It felt like a snake had coiled around her angle, so she tossed the sheets off the bed and gasped.  It was no snake!  She shrieked and swatted at the tentacle around her ankle, but found herself bound by the wrist.  Another tentacle had grabbed her right arm, then a second later, another one grabbed her left arm.  As the last tentacle went for her right leg, she kicked at it and tried to scream, but a small tentacle wound itself around her muzzle and pulled tight.  The other tentacle easily wound itself around her ankle, then it pulled her down until she lay flat on the bed.

The tentacles spread out her legs wide, as wide as they could go.  Then they pushed her hands above her head and pinned her hands to the headboard.  Rinnae instinctively pushed her tail up between her legs to cover herself, but another tentacle slinked up from the floorboards and wrapped itself slowly around her tail, then it pulled her tail down against the bed, exposing her fully.

A larger tentacle arose from the foot of the bed area and slipped up slowly towards her.  The tip of the tentacle went down and gently tickled the lips to her pussy, making her squirm and try to call out again.  More tentacles came up from around the bed and started rubbing parts of her slender, toned body.  They were rubbing and massaging her stomach, her sides, her neck, her shoulders, her legs.  She tried to fight back but her muscles were relaxing under the expert attentions of those tentacles.

The larger tentacle tickled the lips to her pussy some more, making her squeal a bit through her muzzle.  This time, her pussy got a bit wetter, some fluid leaking out and dribbling down her lips and down her taint.  She could feel a rush of blood in her nether regions as her wet sex was teased by the thick, muscular tentacle.

The tip of the tentacle very lightly pressed against her vaginal lips and slid down along the length of her pussy, making her wiggle around and start to pant.  The pointy tip of the tentacle moved up again to the top of her pussy where it subtly pushed itself just a bit inside and brushed against her clitoris.  Rinnae squealed again and fought hard against her fleshy tentacle restraints, but they were simply too strong for her.  The tentacle then slid up a bit and rested a few inches of itself on her pussy lips.  It slid back and forth very slowly, very softly, making her entire body twitch and wiggle.

Rinnae could feel her entire body starting to warm up, her heart racing as this mysterious tentacle beast teased her sex.  She pulled, she kicked; she was fighting back with everything she had.  But through it all, it kept her pinned to the bed and seemed to keep cool and calm no matter what she did.  It knew it had her under its complete control.  Rinnae was doing her best to fight off a growing lust inside her, a need to be fucked hard.  It wasn't right, this was some monster, and she was loyal to her husband.  Yet, every time that tentacle tickled her pussy and made her jump in pleasure, she could feel a bit more of her willpower erode away.  Her pussy was wet and very warm to the touch, the blood pulsing through her nether regions as her body submitted to the will to mate.

The tentacle seemed to sense her struggle, as it started to more aggressively rub and grope her pussy.  Rinnae tried to squeeze her legs together again, fighting no matter how tightly they held her.  Four more tentacles slid up from the sides of the bed and snaked their way to her exposed sex.  Two of them started rubbing and grinding against her groin, while the other two slid up and started molesting her inner thighs.  The new tentacles rubbed and massaged her intimate areas, making her body warm up even more as her lustful desire started to skyrocket.

Finally, the tentacles that were rubbing her groin slid down and carefully gripped her pussy lips, spreading them out and exposing her to the first, main tentacle.  Rinnae felt herself being opened up and exposed again, making her squeal through her muzzle and kick around in the bed as hard as she could.  But for all her strength, the tentacles binding her to the bed didn't even budge.

Now that she was opened up for it, the thick main tentacle eased forward and slid itself just inside her pussy, rubbing its muscular self along her hot, wet walls.  Rinnae let out a faint whimper as her pussy twitched and leaked some more.  The thick tentacle rubbed around the inside of her vagina in slow circles, making her blush and pant as the pleasure started to build in her sex.  Every poke, every prod, every rub made her pleasure build up a little more, made her body warm up and her pussy twitch.  And the tentacle seemed to take quite the delight in simply teasing her to newfound levels of pleasure.

Then the thick tentacle pushed itself into her exposed opening, slowly sliding itself into her warm, wet interior.  The other tentacles kept her pussy lips spread open, making it easy for the tentacle to enter her.  It slithered its way into her slick sex, stretching her out a bit from its girth.  It slid deeper and deeper into her, and then at a point it stopped pushing in and instead it started to wriggle around gently inside of her.  The tentacle started slide back out of her tight vagina, wriggling around as it slid inch by inch out of her until it finally popped out.

Now covered in her vaginal juices, it rubbed itself against her clitoris, slickly bumping and tenderly massaging it, making her body tremble with the intense waves of pleasure running through her.  She could feel her warm body surrendering to the lusty sensations this beast was giving her.  She could feel her own mind getting lost in the fog of the...the heat!  She was in heat, something she had never felt before!

The tentacles holding open her vagina gave a quick tug, and the thick tentacle plunged deep into her sex again, making her squirm a bit and pant from the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins now.  She felt the tentacle push so deeply into her until her pussy was stretched tight around it.  It slid into her with ease now that it was covered in her vaginal fluids.  And it wasted no more time as it started to thrust into her at a steady rhythm, pushing deep into her tight pussy.

The wolfess simply stayed still as she realized what was happening to her.  Her body was trembling with the waves of pleasure that washed over her every time that thick tentacle thrusted into her.  She was so lost in this new, incredible pleasure that she almost didn't notice a pair of small tentacles slide up along her sides and then along her chest.  The small tentacles started rubbing her ample breasts, massaging them with great care.  Then the tentacles slid up a bit and started playing with her nipples, making her gasp and moan as the attention to her nipples started giving her intense pleasure in ways she didn't know were possible.

More tentacles arose from the floorboards and started rubbing and groping her toned body.  They slid and grinded against her belly and sides, over her muzzle, over her legs and thighs, and everywhere they touched she found it made her feel hotter and give in just a bit more to the creature.  Every rub, every bump; her entire body became sensitive to the gentle touches of this beast.  It gave her little tickles on her smooth belly, groped her inner thighs, rubbed around her groin, tenderly rubbed against her chin, and she felt her willpower dropping away like a forgotten dream.

As her body was being molested by dozens of little tentacles, the thick tentacle was still thrusting away deep into her vagina, pushing a little deeper each time as it loosened her up and stretched her out.  It wriggled around a bit as it pushed into her wet sex, sliding up and pressing against her walls as it pushed into her.  Suddenly though, she felt an orgasm coming, much stronger than she had ever felt before.  A tidal wave of pleasure ripped through her body, followed by another wave of intense pleasure, then another one.  Her entire body tensed up and she arched her back enough to lift her a good way out of the bed, her muscles tensing up enough to yank the tentacle restraints off.  Her pussy twitched and clenched down around the intruding tentacle, fluid steadily leaking out around it as her entire passage throbbed and pulsed around the tentacle.

Finally she settled back onto the bed, dizzy and a bit disoriented from the orgasm.  The tentacle around her mouth slipped away, and the tentacles that were holding her pussy open also pulled back.  The thick tentacle in her pussy slowly slid out, popping out with a wet-sounding pop, then it seemed to hover over the bed between her knees.

Rinnae sat up a bit in the bed and looked around at the tentacles.  They had all pulled back but still there, like they were waiting for something.  She was still trying to catch her breath from the powerful orgasms she had.  Her body still felt very warm, her heart still beating hard in her chest.  Yet, she didn't feel exhausted.  Actually, she felt absolutely invigorated, like a new breath of life had been instilled in her.

But still with that, she still felt the heat.  She felt the lustful need, she felt the very last of her inhibitions wash away with those orgasms.  Looking at the tentacles hovering around her bed, she laid back down slowly and spread her legs out, moving one of her hands down to her pussy.  She rubbed the lips to her pussy a bit, getting her fingers wet from it.  Then she took two fingers and spread herself out, looking down at the thick tentacle still hanging between her legs.  She spread her legs out as much as she could, then humped at the air a bit.

The tentacle seemed eager to oblige.  The thick tentacle eased itself down and pushed into her pussy again, making Rinnae moan and tremble a bit again.  She reached down with her other hand down and spread out her pussy as much as she could as the tentacle pushed deep into her again, this time it vibrated a bit as it went in.  The small tentacles slid up to her groin again and helped her spread her pussy lips, so she moved her paws out of the way and simply kept a tight grip on the bed, her fists clenching hard as she felt her pleasure rising again.

The other tentacles around the bed slipped in towards her, again rubbing all over her body and groping her.  No less than six tentacles were now groping her breasts, massaging them, playing with her nipples.  Other tentacles were simply rubbing her belly, her legs, and her cheek.

The tentacle by her cheek snaked around and pushed into her open, panting mouth.  Without hesitation, she closed her muzzle around the tentacle and started to suckle hard on it, sliding her tongue up along the bottom of the tentacle and caressing it softly.  She moved her paws up to this tentacle, gripping it tightly and masturbating it as she sucked on the front of it.  She ran her furred paws up and down the length of it, caressing it, pulling it out of her mouth and giving it little kisses before taking it back deep into her muzzle and sealing her lips tightly around it as she bobbed up and down along the length.

As she was busy with the tentacle on her mouth, the thick tentacle pounding into her pussy started to pick up the pace a bit.  It was wriggling around more inside of her, thrusting faster, even vibrating a bit as the thick muscle pushed deep into her tight, wet, welcoming pussy.  Rinnae kept her legs spread wide, letting the small tentacles hold her pussy lips open as the thick tentacle pounded away inside of her, reaching so deep into her to places she didn't realize it could reach.  And each thrust brought her another wave of ecstasy, another wave of pleasure that made her push her hips up into the air as her body tensed up from the incredible sensations.

The thick tentacle started to thrust very hard into the wolf's pussy, but she relished every second of it.  The harder it pounded into her, the more pleasure it brought.  Deep thrust after deep thrust, the wriggling tentacle mated her, fucking her as hard as it could.  It vibrated, it wriggled around as it pressed against her tight walls, it slammed deeply into her until she felt both herself and the tentacle tense up.  The thick tentacle slammed itself as deep as it could into her pussy, throbbing intensely, which matched the clenching and throbbing of her own pussy as another orgasm overtook her body.  Seconds later, she could feel an invading warmth in her abdomen as the tentacle creature's cum started to pump into her at a quick pace.

Seconds later, a surge of cum shot through the tentacle in her mouth, catching her a bit off-guard, so most of it ended up pushing out of her muzzle and dribbling down over her chin.  But she regained herself a moment later and started swallowing the thick, salty, white cum that flowed steadily out of the throbbing tentacle in her mouth.  She locked her lips around it and sat up in the bed to swallow easier.  The cum flowed over her tongue and back into her throat, and she felt such a deep lustful need for it that she pulled the tentacle deeper into her muzzle, pulling it back until it almost hit the back of her throat.  She started swallowing rapidly as the cum shot into her mouth, shot after thick shot of cum making her cheeks bulge out a bit and drip off her lips.

As Rinnae held the tentacle in her mouth, swallowing quickly, she looked down between her spread legs where the thick tentacle was still throbbing and cumming deep into her.  Her pussy was still pulsing and clenching tightly around the tentacle, which was covered in her vaginal juices.  Her pussy was so tight around the tentacle that none of its cum was escaping, and she could feel more and more of it shooting into her, the warmth spreading through her body as its seed filled her womb.  Her belly started to expand a bit from all of the cum, and she simply closed her eyes, swallowing as much cum as she could as more and more cum flooded her expanding belly.

Rinnae's belly grew as more cum was pumped into her from the tentacle in her vagina, and it kept growing until she looked like she was almost three months pregnant.  At that point, her stomach and abdomen started to ache a bit so the tentacles pulled out of her.  The tentacle near her face simply hovered a few inches in front of her and shot hot stream after hot stream of cum across her muzzle.  She closed her eyes and let her muzzle lay open, with hot tentacle cum shooting down onto her tongue and dribbling out of her mouth.

The thick tentacle in her vagina eventually pulled out too, with a wet pop, and a copious flow of tentacle cum started leaking out of her vagina.  It shot cum all over the wolf's vagina, shot after shot completely coating her underside and especially her vaginal lips.  Rinnae looked down with a blush and grabbed the tentacle and shoved it back into her vagina, screaming out, "Unf...gods, this is so much more cum than our horses give me!"

The thick tentacle squirmed around inside her vagina, still pulsing and pumping more and more cum into her.  But it wasn't buried into her completely, so her pussy wasn't as tight around it as it once was.  Each time the tentacle pumped another shot of cum into her pussy, cum would flow out around it and onto the bed.  But Rinnae didn't care, she just wanted it shooting into her.  "Don't stop until you've shot it all into me!  Give me all of it!"

The thick tentacle quickly pulled back from her pussy again, shooting another thick shot of cum across her pussy lips.  Then it wriggled down a bit and shot cum across her tailhole right before it pushed itself against it.  Rinnae barely had time to gasp before the tentacle wriggled into her tailhole and started cumming again, making her grip the bed hard and moan out, "Yes!  Yes!!!"

Rinnae propped her legs up and kept them spread, giving the thick tentacle easier access to her tailhole.  The other tentacles around the bed started shooting their loads all over her body, her face, her legs, across her pussy, just completely covering her as the thick one fucked her in the ass.  She felt the invading warmth of the tentacle cum spreading in her ass and deeper into her as more and more cum pumped into her.  She simply laid there on the bed, legs propped up as the tentacles had their way with her.

"Rinnae?!", she heard.

Rinnae looked over to the door, to see her bloated and wet husband, Ra`khu, lumbering through the door, looking as if he had just been on the receiving end of the same treatment.  He was coated head to toe in cum, and even leaving a little bit in footprints on the floor as he walked.  His belly was as bloated as hers was, and his balls were engorged to the size of a pair of small melons.  Actually his balls were about as large as her breasts!

"The beast...", he said as he walked in, looking a bit shocked and very tired.  "It said you needed me".

Rinnae moaned as the tentacle thrusted deep in her ass and made her squirm a bit, "Yes....murr...yes I need you right now.  Fuck me damnit, fuck me now!"

Ra`khu half-waddled half-stumbled over to the bed and started to climb on top of her when another set of tentacles pushed through the floorboards and gripped him.  Before he could react, they lifted him up and gently placed him on the bed, atop of Rinnae.  Ra`khu looked over his wife, who looked absolutely lost in the heat of the moment, her eyes half-closed and certainly feeling swell.  He leaned over her cum-soaked body, licking her muzzle and licking some of the cum off of it before she opened her mouth and they shared a deep, passionate, salty kiss.  Ra`khu's bloated belly rubbed up against Rinnae's, and they looked into each other's eyes knowing what each other had just been through.

Suddenly Rinnae let out a slight squeal the tentacle in her ass hit a good spot and made her body wriggle around again.  Another tentacle snaked up from the floor and plunged into Ra`khu's ass, burying itself deep into the male wolf and cumming into him again to match the tentacle in his wife's ass.  Then another set of tentacles came from the head of the bed and pushed into their mouths, and oddly both wolves giggled a bit at it.

But before Ra`khu could do anything else, a little tentacle wrapped itself around his erect cock and pointed it down, pushing it against his wife's cum-soaked and cum-filled pussy.  Then another tentacle pushed on Ra`khu's back and forced him to plunge his cock deep into his wife's pussy, which squirted out some of the tentacle's cum all over his cock as he pushed in.  He noticed that his wife's pussy was a bit loose and filled with another's cum, but it still felt warm and inviting.  She hiked her legs up over his waist and winked at him as she started to suckle on the tentacle in her mouth.  He winked back as he suckled on the tentacle in his mouth and started thrusting his own cock deep into his wife.

The rest of the tentacles swarmed over their bodies as the wolves mated.  The tentacles started rubbing and groping everywhere, even as the other tentacles continued to cum into the wolves' asses and mouths.  But neither wolf cared, they simply lost themselves to the lust as they had another mating marathon with the tentacles helping them along.

Four weeks later.

Ra`khu walked quietly up to the tree.  It had been two months now since he was here last, but the memory was still quite vivid.  For a time he stood out there, trying to gently call out to the tree, but it didn't seem to notice or care.  But he knew it was this tree.  This is the one that had originally swallowed him up and raped him.  He knew it was the same one that had somehow reached all the way to their village to rape him, his chief of security, and all two hundred soldiers.

"Hey!", Ra`khu shouted.  "Don't you think it's odd to command complete obedience from a tribe then completely disappear?"

After another few minutes, a large tentacle, wider than the tree itself, popped up out of the ground.  It emerged slowly and snaked around in the air as if to show off its size.  Then it bent down and the end of it opened up, revealing a gaping maw.  It swallowed the wolf whole and pulled itself back into the ground.

When the wolf finally reached the end of the "throat" and dropped into the circular pouchy organ, he noticed that it was a bit larger than last time.  Last time he was barely able to move around because it was so tight like a cubby space beneath a floor.  But this time, it was roomy enough that he could stand up and reach his paw out without touching the opposite side of the organ.  But it was still covered in writhing tentacles and slimy, slick goo.  And of course, inside the creature, it was very humid and very warm.

"You wish to address me, my wolf?"

Ra`khu cleared his throat, "I'm here to thank you actually.  I figured it was your...a heh...your -touch- that gave all two hundred of my soldiers the ability to wield magic.  And since you commanded us to stay put, we did so and we fought off the bear attack.  Somehow I think you were listening in to my chief when he spoke of our chances against the bears".

"I have ears everywhere, little wolf"

"And of course, you had to help us in your own little special way"

"Well, I was giving you all a great gift.  I thought it only right that I should get something back from it"

"So were you also listening in when I told Lemul about my wife?  Do I have you to thank for the children she is now bearing?"

The beast was silent for but a moment.  "Technically no.  You have yourself to thank for the children.  You have me to thank for putting her into heat, finally.  By now you ought to realize that there is no problem that a load of tentacle cum cannot solve".

Ra`khu couldn't help but laugh.  "Yeah, apparently so.  So, are we still your subjects, or was that just you getting yourself off?"

"You and your tribe are still my subjects.  You will tend to this land.  You will protect it.  You will respect it as I have taught you.  However, if you are asking if I will be sodomizing you every week, the answer is no.  I did what I needed to do.  You needn't live in fear of me"

The wolf let out a sigh of relief and laid back in the pouchy organ, feeling the tentacles squirm under him.  "I see".

After a few moments, the beast spoke up, "Yet you are still here"

Ra`khu blushed a bit, "Yeah, um, about that..."


The wolf felt his heart racing.  His cock stiffened up and tented his loincloth, which he simply reached back and untied it, throwing it aside and spreading his legs.  "I, I find that I have needs.  Needs that the fellow men at my village don't have the ability to fill."

The wolf felt tentacles snaking up around his body, with a small tentacle creeping along the length of his shaft.  The wolf carefully reached over and pulled the tentacle up and pushed the tip of it down into his urethra, blushing hard and moaning as he felt it slither down and into him.

"And wolf, what will you tell your wife?"

"I already told her, that you demanded the leader has to return to submit to your will once a month."

The wolf spread his legs more as he felt the tentacle start to thrust into his urethra.  The little tentacle expertly wriggled its way down deep into his cock, into his body, then found the path to his balls, sliding smoothly into the passage and doing little thrusts there.

"Don't stop there.  Give me all of it!", he said in a lusty shout.  He pulled his legs up and spread his ass with his paws, and opened his mouth wide.

"Want me to bathe you in it, too?"

The wolf nodded and blushed.  Large tentacles started enveloping him while another one slipped up to his muzzle where he started suckling on it.  He wrapped his paw around the tiny one that was fucking his urethra and he started masturbating it, moaning out each time he felt it cum into his balls.

A much larger tentacle emerged and pressed up against the wolf's ass.  "Well since I helped you bear children, it is only right that you should help me bear one".

The wolf rolled onto his knees and hiked his ass up into the air, tail raised and legs spread.  As he suckled on the tentacle in his muzzle, he felt a larger tentacle slide up behind him, but it didn't enter his ass.

"Say it wolf.  I want to hear it"

The wolf closed his eyes and blushed harder, "I'm...I'm your bitch.  You can take me whenever and however you like...", and saying that made the wolf's cock twitch and shoot some pre out around the little tentacle that was still inside it.

Ra`khu, pushed back a bit on the large tentacle, but it didn't enter him yet.  He howled out and spread his legs as much as he could while still on his knees, his tail hiked up.  He looked back at the tentacle and yelled out, "Take me!  I'm your bitch!  Take me and make me yours!"

Finally the larger tentacle slipped and pressed against the wolf's tailhole.  He grunted and braced himself as the large tentacle pushed into him, again making his cock twitch and shoot some pre.  It thrusted into him slowly, wriggling around inside of him until he was sufficiently loosened up.  Then it pushed a bit deeper into his ass and settled in.

Confused, the wolf looked behind him again, and then he saw what was going on.  A large bulge was making its way through the tentacle towards his ass.  He whimpered a bit as he eyed the size of it, unsure if he could take it.  The whimper seemed to stir the tentacle creature a bit, "C'mon wolf, with balls as large as yours, are you afraid of such a simple thing?"

The wolf looked down between his legs and blushed.  The tentacle was still thrusting into his urethra, throbbing and cumming directly into his ballsac.  And his balls were already getting large again.  He reached down and felt their weight with his paw, felt their warmth as the cum flooded them.  Then a little tentacle popped up from behind him and shot some cum across his paw and ballsac, so he moved his paw away and the little tentacle continued to shoot cum all over his balls.

That's when he felt the egg reach his ass.  His ass started expanding as the egg started trying to push past his tailhole, and thankfully the creature was being quite gentle with it.  The large egg pushed further and further into him, the bulge from the tentacle disappearing into his ass when he felt a slight pain from his tailhole that made him wince.

The egg backed off a bit, relieving the pressure on his tailhole.  The large tentacle inside him started wriggling around again, this time with some smaller tentacles slinking up and shooting cum all over his crack and tailhole.  Oddly, the warming sensation of the cum seemed to relax his tailhole a bit.

Then the egg started pushing into the wolf's ass again, easing its way in.  The wolf gritted his teeth and kept his ass hiked up high, his chest on the ground submissively as the beast passed an egg into him.  The egg stretched him out tightly, but it finally popped into him and he blushed from the sudden sensation.  It was heavy in his ass, but it still felt secure, and it was making his cock twitch and shoot more pre.

"You will dig beneath your village and plant that seed into the ground.  It will start to grow immediately, and you will obey it as an extension of myself, because it will be!"

As the wolf lumbered towards the tribal village, he looked up to the black sky.  It was only around three hours past midnight, he had plenty of time to do what the beast commanded of him.  But...where?  The beast had given no specific instruction on where to place the egg, other than to put it in the ground under the village.

Ra`khu looked around at the wooden spiked walls that lined the outside of the village.  Trying to bury this thing in the middle of the village would certainly draw attention from his own guards.  And technically speaking, the creature didn't say it had to be in the center anyway.  Just under the village, right?

So the wolf took the long way around to make sure the gate guards didn't see him.  He made his way to the southern wall and he started to dig there with his paws, just under the wall.  He dug and dug and dug, and he kept digging until he saw the first rays of light peak out over the mountains.  His hole was about three feet deep at that point, and he decided that it had to be enough.

He turned around and backed up into the hole, hiking his tail up.  He looked around to make sure nobody was around and he felt a wave of embarrassment come over him.  He felt a blush come on as he squatted down and started to squeeze, making sure to avoid grunting that someone might hear.  The egg was still heavy in his ass and for some reason it didn't seem to want to come out that easily.  Ra`khu was sure it was just his imagination, but the egg already felt a bit larger than it did going in.  But it had to just be his mind playing tricks on him.  Things don't grow that quickly, do they?

Ra`khu squeezed again and started to pant, it was taking a lot more energy to do this than he thought.  He spread his legs and squeezed harder, his tailhole started to painfully stretch out but finally the egg plopped out and rolled into the hole.  The wolf immediately felt an immense relief as the large object fell out, and he found himself a bit unbalanced by the weight change and actually fell forward onto his belly.  After a minute to relax back down, he stood up slowly and started to push all the dirt back into the hole.

By the time that dawn really broke and it was light again, Ra`khu was just slipping back into the wolf village and acted like nothing was amiss.

Two weeks later.

"Hello...?", the voice meekly called out.

A large tentacle emerged from the ground at the base of the tree and slithered over to the white wolf, slipping up along her legs and teasing her pussy.  She stayed still and spread her legs a bit, her vagina already moist.

"My my...Rinnae, what will you tell your husband?"

Rinnae quivered a bit, "He told me that you still require him to come here to pay homage to you once a month.  I just thought that, um, you should require to see the alpha female as well."

A huge tentacle emerged from the base of the tree, larger than the tree itself, and opened up above the wolf, revealing a large opening and closing in around her.  It snatched her up and swallowed her down, with that voice coming out of nowhere, "Well come inside, I have just the thing"

Once inside this strange creature, Rinnae found herself in a pouchy organ.  It was lined with tentacles, hot, and humid.  She looked around nervously.

"Do not be afraid.  Tell me, why are you here?"

Rinnae closed her eyes and murmured, "What you did to me, the pleasure you gave me, it was unreal.  The whole experience was so...heavenly...I want more.  I was wondering if you'd ever be back?"

"No my wolfess, I won't be.  But I have just the thing to help you..."

A large tentacle slithered up to her vagina and rubbed against her pussy lips.  Rinnae blushed and spread out her legs wide, reaching her paws down and spreading out her pussy lips.  The large tentacle eased itself into her pussy, sliding comfortably into her and pushing deeply in.  The wolf moaned a bit and grabbed the tentacle with her paws, pulling it deeper into her and starting to use it like a dildo.

A gentle chuckle seemed to echo from all around her, "Ha, ha, you're quite eager aren't you?  Well settle down, I have something to give you".

Rinnae nodded and sat back in the pouchy organ, letting the large tentacle writhe around in her pussy and loosen her up.  She squealed and blushed as an orgasm ripped through her body, making her shake and her pussy clench down on the tentacle.

After a few minutes of wriggling around in her wet passage, the tentacle pushed in a bit deeper and relaxed.  Rinnae laid there with her legs spread, the tentacle deep in her pussy, waiting.  And waiting.  She was about to speak up when she saw the large bulge in the base of the tentacle moving towards her pussy.  She blushed a bit and reached down again, using her paws to spread her pussy out for the tentacle and its package.

The egg moved up until the bulge in the tentacle met her pussy lips.  She kept her legs spread and tried to keep still as the large egg pressed further and further into her pussy.  She felt a wave of pleasure again, and did her best to try to ignore it, but it built up more and more until she orgasmed again, her pussy clenching down around the egg and the tentacle.  Luckily the egg was more than halfway into her, so the clench just pulled it completely into her.  She felt flush and started to pant, feeling nice and warm all over.

The tentacle pulled back and slipped away completely.  The creature spoke up, "You will take that egg and plant it in the ground under your village.  You are to respect it, and as it grows, you are to take commands from it as if it were an extension of myself.  Because it will be".

Rinnae nodded and rubbed over her belly.  Her belly was already bulging a bit from the egg, just barely enough to show.  She playfully patted it, felt it inside of her, which made her pussy twitch and leak some more fluid.

After a few minutes, the creature spoke up again, "You have the egg and the instructions.  Did you need anything else?"

Rinnae blushed again and turned around, getting on all four's and hiking her tail up, "Well, up, since I'm here already..."

Tentacles slid up from the floor and started caressing her body.  "How silly of me.  I'll get right on that, then."

Rinnae felt a tentacle slide gently into her ass, while another one poked at her muzzle.  She kissed that tentacle and opened her mouth, allowing it to enter.  She kept her tail hiked high as the tentacle in her ass started to slowly thrust into her.

The wolf slipped a paw down and spread out her pussy lips, tapping a finger on her vagina as she hinted to the beast.  Finally she felt another tentacle slip up along her leg and push itself into her wet sex, so she put her paw down and spread her legs while the beast mated her three ways.

She heard the voice again, "Oh and one last thing.  Around your village, you will find that there is a strange little creature unlike any you have ever seen before.  You will find it one day while your husband is away and after your pups are born.  It will crawl up into your bed on its own while you are there.  You will spread your legs and give yourself up to it"

Rinnae simply nodded as she started suckling on the tentacle in her muzzle and guzzling down the cum from it, while another tentacle started pumping her womb up with cum once more.

As Rinnae lumbered towards the village, she remembered what the creature had said.  She needed to bury this seed, this egg, somewhere under the village.  Despite the fact that it was night out, she knew that guards would be walking around the grounds and planting the egg anywhere actually inside the village would be out of the question.  So she decided to plant the egg just under the wall on the outside of the village.

As the wolf looked around for a good spot along the southern wall, she noticed that there were fairly fresh foot tracks and some disturbed dirt.  She grunted, someone was here recently, and she thought better of putting the egg near where anyone was.  So, she disappeared into the forest to avoid the sight of the gate guards, and made her way to the northern wall of the village.

Luckily, it looked like nobody had been by in a while, so she started digging a hole with her paws.  After she dug for several hours, she had a hole about four feet deep.  She decided that was deep enough.  So she squatted down near the edge of the hole and put her paws on her belly, trying to push the egg out.

Push after push after shove, she found getting the egg out was much more difficult than having it put in.  She had her legs spread, using one paw to hold her vagina open while the other paw pushed on her belly near the egg, trying to force it out.  She felt the egg pushing against her vagina, and it started to poke out a bit.  She still had her one paw holding her vagina open as the egg started to stretch her out yet again as it came out.  She rubbed along the surface of the egg that was poking out, finding it to be quite smooth � slick, even.  She moved her paw to her belly and started using both paws to push on the egg.

Finally, the egg started stretching her almost to her limit before it slid out cleanly and dropped onto the ground, and rolled into the hole.  Rinnae fell backwards from the sudden weight shift in her body and she laid on the ground for a few minutes until she relaxed again.  Then she got up and started pushing the dirt onto the egg and filling in the hole.  Idly, she wondered what was going to happen with it.

A week later.

Lemul braced himself as he heard a voice that seemingly came from this odd tree so deep in the forest, "Lemul, second in command to Ra`khu, why have you come here?"

Lemul tried to say something, but found himself stammering incoherently.  The creature raised several tentacles out of the ground, one of which was larger than the tree itself.  And again, the voice seemed to boom out of everywhere, yet nowhere, "Have you come to fight me, Lemul?"

Lemul jumped back and almost started to panic.  Finally he was able to say, "No!  No!  Of course not.  I...this armor and weapon is for keeping me safe on the road., watch...", and Lemul stripped off his armor and tossed his spear to the side.  He stood before the tree, naked.

"Then Lemul, why have you come?"

Lemul shifted around on his feet, "Because, um, you have some unique abilities, things that others just can't do..."  Lemul reached a paw down and idly stroked his shaft until he became erect, then he rubbed his thumb over his cocktip and spread open his urethra.

The tentacles waved around a bit in the air.  The voice called out again in its usual booming fashion, "You wolves are just WEIRD.  If I had any idea...."

Another wolf voice called out from deeper in the woods.  "Is it there Lemul?"

Lemul turned around and yelled out, "Yes, it's right here!"

Suddenly two hundred naked wolf warriors started flooding out of the woods, all running into a semicircle in front of the tree and waving their hands around in the air.  Random voices were calling out, "Me first!  ME FIRST!!!"

The creature's booming voice echoed out, "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!"


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